2016/17 Youth Block Challenge

2016/17 Youth Block Challenge

South African Youth Block Challenge

The Youth Block Challenge has been judged and here are the winners!

Congratulations to all who took part in the Youth Block Challenge.

Category 1   Grades 1 - 4

  1. Kathryn Venter (Best machine Piecing)
  2. Anica Rawlinson
  3. Amelie Kruger

Hannah Williams Best use of Colour

HC Charis Hughes

Category 2   Grades 5 - 8

  1. Andreia Carvhalo (Best embellishment, best theme interpretation)
  2. Madison Samuels
  3. Chrismarie Britz (Best use of Colour)

HC and Most Humorous Paige Dolman

Category 3   Grades 9 - 12

  1. Megan Lucas
  2. Christelle Theron
  3. Dillan Neethling (Best machine Piecing)

HC and Viewers Choice Francesca Marclay

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